Swami Vijoyananda
Swami Vijoyananda, um discípulo de Swami Brahmananda (o filho espiritual de Sri Ramakrishna e primeiro Presidente da Ordem Ramakrishna), se chamava Pasupati Nath Ghosh antes de entrar na vida monástica, nasceu em 10 de Outubro de 1898 em Sahibganj, distrito de Santhal Parganas, Bengala, Índia. Graduou-se em Química na Universidade de Calcutta com a precoce idade de 21 anos. Pouco depois ingressou na Ordem Ramakrishna e foi iniciado por seu Guru, Swami Brahmananda. Em 1923 recebeu os votos de Sannyasa de Swami Shivananda, o segundo Presidente da Ordem. Também recebeu a benção da Santa Mãe Sri Sárada Devi e de alguns dos discípulos de Sri Ramakrishna. Em 1932 foi enviado pela Ordem à Argentina após convites de círculos argentinos desejosos de conhecer a Vedanta, sendo o pioneiro da Vedanta na América do Sul.
Desde sua chegada passou a difundir a mensagem da Vedanta através de palestras, conferências públicas, pelo rádio, entrevistas individuais e aulas de meditação. Fundou o Ramakrishna Ashrama em Buenos Aires. Veio ao Brasil pela primeira vez em 1957, visitando anualmente desde então o Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, fazendo muitos discípulos, admiradores e devotos. Sua obra literária foi copiosa. Autor e tradutor para o espanhol de excelentes livros e épicos hindus, teve alguns deles traduzidos para o português e publicados pela então Editora Vedanta: 'Ramakrishna Deus-Homem', 'Assim falou Jesus Cristo', 'O Eterno Companheiro', 'O Ensinamento Espiritual de Sri Ramakrishna' e 'A Religião do Homem'. E mais quatro livretos da série “Assim Falou...” (Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda e Buddha). Em 1968 fez uma peregrinação a Índia, trazendo com ele Swami Paratparananda como seu assistente no trabalho da divulgação dos ensinamentos de Thakur e Swamiji. Sua atuação espiritual no Brasil foi a semente para a fundação do centro de Vedanta no Brasil em 1974, o Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama, que desde 1999 com a vinda de Swami Nirmalatmananda tornou-se um centro afiliado a Ordem Ramakrishna. O venerado Swami Vijoyananda deixou seu corpo em Primeiro de Setembro de 1973.
- Seu Poder e Seu Amor - Reminiscências dos Discípulos Diretos - por Swami Vijoyananda
This text in English:
Swami Vijoyananda, a disciple of Swami Brahmananda (the spiritual son of Sri Ramakrishna and first President of the Ramakrishna Order), was called Pasupati Nath Ghosh before entering monastic life, was born on 10 October 1898 in Sahibganj, district of Santhal Parganas , Bengal, India. He graduated in Chemistry from the University of Calcutta at the precocious age of 21. Shortly afterwards he joined the Ramakrishna Order and was initiated by his Guru, Swami Brahmananda. In 1923 he received the vows of Sannyasa from Swami Shivananda, the second President of the Order. He also received the blessings of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and some of Sri Ramakrishna's disciples. In 1932 he was sent by the Order to Argentina following invitations from Argentine circles eager to learn about Vedanta, being the pioneer of Vedanta in South America.
Since his arrival, he began to spread the message of Vedanta through lectures, public conferences, radio, individual interviews and meditation classes. He founded the Ramakrishna Ashrama in Buenos Aires. He came to Brazil for the first time in 1957, visiting Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo annually since then, making many disciples, admirers and devotees. His literary work was copious. Author and translator into Spanish of excellent Hindu books and epics, he had some of them translated into Portuguese and published by the then Editora Vedanta: 'Ramakrishna God-Man', 'Thus Spoke Jesus Christ', 'The Eternal Companion', 'The Spiritual Teaching of Sri Ramakrishna' and 'The Religion of Man'. And four more booklets from the “Thus Spoke...” series (Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and Buddha). In 1968 he made a pilgrimage to India, bringing with him Swami Paratparananda as his assistant in the work of spreading the teachings of Thakur and Swamiji. His spiritual activity in Brazil was the seed for the founding of the Vedanta center in Brazil in 1974, the Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama, which since 1999 with the arrival of Swami Nirmalatmananda, has become a center affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order. The revered Swami Vijoyananda left his body on September 1, 1973.
Swami Vijoyananda, a disciple of Swami Brahmananda (the spiritual son of Sri Ramakrishna and first President of the Ramakrishna Order), was called Pasupati Nath Ghosh before entering monastic life, was born on 10 October 1898 in Sahibganj, district of Santhal Parganas , Bengal, India. He graduated in Chemistry from the University of Calcutta at the precocious age of 21. Shortly afterwards he joined the Ramakrishna Order and was initiated by his Guru, Swami Brahmananda. In 1923 he received the vows of Sannyasa from Swami Shivananda, the second President of the Order. He also received the blessings of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and some of Sri Ramakrishna's disciples. In 1932 he was sent by the Order to Argentina following invitations from Argentine circles eager to learn about Vedanta, being the pioneer of Vedanta in South America.
Since his arrival, he began to spread the message of Vedanta through lectures, public conferences, radio, individual interviews and meditation classes. He founded the Ramakrishna Ashrama in Buenos Aires. He came to Brazil for the first time in 1957, visiting Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo annually since then, making many disciples, admirers and devotees. His literary work was copious. Author and translator into Spanish of excellent Hindu books and epics, he had some of them translated into Portuguese and published by the then Editora Vedanta: 'Ramakrishna God-Man', 'Thus Spoke Jesus Christ', 'The Eternal Companion', 'The Spiritual Teaching of Sri Ramakrishna' and 'The Religion of Man'. And four more booklets from the “Thus Spoke...” series (Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and Buddha). In 1968 he made a pilgrimage to India, bringing with him Swami Paratparananda as his assistant in the work of spreading the teachings of Thakur and Swamiji. His spiritual activity in Brazil was the seed for the founding of the Vedanta center in Brazil in 1974, the Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama, which since 1999 with the arrival of Swami Nirmalatmananda, has become a center affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order. The revered Swami Vijoyananda left his body on September 1, 1973.
Veja abaixo algumas fotos de Swami Vijoyananda
Atualizado/updated 19/01/2025